Thursday, July 23, 2009


In my opinion man does not give himself life. he is just merely born into this world by his Producers. therefore i feel that it is morally wrong for him to take his on life. Especially because he did not Author it. he just merely role pays through out life, like an Actor in Character mode. A character that he solely develops from adolescence into Adulthood.
Unfortunately in the movie of life, man has been granted the volition of free will which has been a Gift and a Curse for this ignorant Actor called man. Man is the Co-Director of life and can turn his perfectly good movie from a Drama into a Romantic, Action Horror, Thriller, Porn or Sad Movie.

As the Co-Director of your life, you decide how the movie will unfold, but always remember that you will have to deal with the consequences of how you lived when the real Director and Executive producer says CUT to your Movie. If you are a coward and dread that inevitable day, you will simply walk off the Movie set and end your life before that final cut.
but before you do that, think of this; You did not finance the budget of this block-buster movie, Someone wrote your script, and found a Movie house to finance, budget, plan and produce your Movie. That is the sacrifice your parents make before they procreate and make you. So Imagine the disparity that you cause the Executive Director and Producers of your Movie if you just abruptly walked off the movie set. Whats even worse is the anger that you bring to the Original Author of life, who is God. He diligently scripted the blueprint of your life-Movie. So why end what you did not start?
Atheists and skeptics would argue and say that suicide is due to the pressures of life. They usually justify suicide and assisted suicide due to the pain of some terminal diseases.
O well, whoever said that movies are easy to act, much like life in itself which can be full of pain.
Actors are forced to go through the stress of hundreds of takes on end due to their numerous 'Mis' 'Takes' get it! MISTAKES. these tedious mistakes and retakes cause immense stress on the actor. This can lead to Depression due to undesired results from our efforts. The Actor has to re-do them, until they get it right. I admit that this repetitive routine can get immensely stressful, but like the saying goes, 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going' this is the kind of Attitude we have to embark on pursuing when acting through life. Therefore Quitting the Role isnt the answer, because it is through imperfection and Mis-takes that life-Movies are made perfect.

Just look t the classic movies that we praise today. Obama, Mandela, Malcom X and Dr. Martin luther King Jr.
These men all had less than perfect takes in their life-Movies.
Obama was born into a broken marriage, endured the pressure of living with a step dad, went to live with his grand folks. he later turned to drugs and alcohol abuse. All these were perfect recepies to fuel failure and quit living. But after remastering, re-inventing and repositioning himself, look at him now a classic movie score. Where the underdog in the land that flourished by slavery and racial segregation became the first African American President.
Same as Malcom -X, a victim of a broken home, grandmother raped, high school dropout, became a PIMP, thief and wound up in jail. All these mis-takes where recepies for destruction and the death of his movie. but look at what he became, a Civil rights activist who was Martyrd, but reshaped Pan-African pride.

We should not conform to the Comfort of the movie Trailers of our lives. life begins when we start to Act, but be aware that adversity is an integral part of life. It is through that WEAKNESS that we are made strong in God, Who is the Author of life. Because when we make those Mis-Takes and feel down and out of life, it is important to look back at the Script of life that he Authored for us to Act in, which is his word in the bible. It tells us how to act and what to do when the going gets rough.
We are flawed mortal beings, no wonder we make so many mis-takes and are imperfect.
History and the Bible tell us of only one perfect man called Jesus. It is through his perfect Takes and the role he played in life that we ought to immulate and Act in life, if we are to make classic movies. (if you wana learn how to Act, Read the book of Acts)..and see how jesus
Like kanye said in Jesus walks, 'God show me the way, coz the devils tryna break me down' ...God showed us the way to walk and live through Jesus.
We will all fall short of perfection, but like 2Pac said in changes 'that's just the way it is, things will never be the same' but only through Jesus, they will.
Good results are earned from trials, but it is in continuous trying that we succeed and finish the Movie of life....
Therefore Suicide is a wrong step for quitters, for we are all winners and have victory through Jesus Christ..

Always remember this, you will have supporting Actors in your Movie-of life. So be nice to them and treat them in the same way you would like them to treat you. because without them, there is a boring movie just starring you.. who would want to watch that?
Right now you are Acting a Movie role and you have an Audience.
Who are the people that you are acting in your life Movie with? (Friends and Family)
Now Ask yourselves these few questions..Are you a Horror, A thriller, A solemn an Action, a Romantic or porn Star in the Movie that you are Acting?
What is the Audience that you are trying to entertain?
Would you enjoy your own movie if you where invited to watch your own Premiere?

PS.see you at the Oscars in Heaven when our movies end..We will all get a prize for our leading roles and best supporting Actors in the Movies we make with others.
Oscars eh! No wonder peeps are buried in suits and Tuxedos...LOl

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