Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Power of words

The mouth is a unique member of the human anatomy. It is designed to ingest food and prepare it for the 1st step of digestion. Its teeth then Impeed to grind the food into small particles that the tounge then helps to soften, and the swallow.
This is and has been common knowledge to humanity for millenias.
It has also been noted that the tounge is one of the strongest muscles in the human muscular anatomy.
Both the tounge and mouth form a formidable force in collaboration, that they almost cant work without each other in feeding and digestion.
But another unique feature about the aforementioned duo,is their ability to communicate with utterances of 'words' that stem from well sequenced thoughts from the mind of the speaker.
With this observation,i have theorized 'that if the mind was an engine, the mouth is an exhaust for our thoughts..'
Hence be it logical or illogical, sensible or nonsensical verbiage uttered off the top of our tounges and flown out our mouths. These sentiments stem from our frame of mind.

As humans we have the ability to think about anything, but from personal responsibility and control..we can hold back or censor what comes out of our mouths,regardless of our thoughts.
But when we do speak, the 2pepetrators of speech are at work..the tounge n mouth.
I equate them to a trigger and barrel,with the mind being the ammo that is loaded with what we feed or fuel our minds with.
So in this context, words have the potential of being weapons of mass destruction or defensive tools. In this vain, words can be harmful and deadly and hence have to be utterd cautiously with deep thought before let loose from a tempramental aggitate mind.
But when the mind is fixated on happiness and pleasure,words can be like cupids firing passionate compliments of love and good will that elate and strengthen people.
One can now deduce that words have the power to 'Curse and Bless.'
These two polar extremes 'create' an aura of bad or good will upon being uttered..hence we note that creation is at work when we speak.
In the bible we are told that in the begining was a 'word' and that word was-God.he called everything that exists into existance but lastly 'made' man in his image from soil..so from this illustration we can deduce that God the creator made us beings that can pro-create..man makers that physically make children,but can aswell create or call things into existance with our words..
This intells that we can create problems or a destiny for ourlives with the words we speak..

2pac shakur sang about seeing death around the corner,being marked 4 death. Nosooner than those records were realeased the brother died.
The Notorious BIG's 1lp was called ready 2 die, and his 2nd was named life after death..an epic album that ended with a song titled 'youre nobody till somebody kills u.' prophetically he died a week before its realease date,and became at the time the highest selling rap album ever at 10million units. Truely he became a somebody after he died,gaining mass notoriety worldwide..what a shameful sad loss of two young men that woed the power of influence upon the world,but tragically set a destiny of their fate with their deathwishful words.

Before you speak,i'ld like you to think and prepare deep thought about what you say about yourself and people. Remember the power that your tounge woes.
You are entitled to have bad feelings about injustices or illtreatment by people. The make us think negatively, which is human. But always remember that you have the power to walk away from conflict and reposition your mind. You can not fight fire with fire. If u champion an eye 4an eye, we both lose our sight and two wrongs dont make a right.
So Lets heed the advice to turn the other cheek.
Lets Use our speech to Bless uplift and nourish people and ourselves.lets make our tounges cupids of love arrows.let our mouths mediate and elate.
But most of all,lets start by feeding our minds with the word of God that gives us devine understanding and unbound love.youl enjoy it far more than any food that enters yo mouth.
Peace brethren.i wish all that read this love prosperity, health and success


  1. wow,Chim...well written!
    its so true, words have the power to create,
    and anyone who discovers this, discovers the secret to creating a prosperous destiny.

  2. AMAZING WORDS.... I only read half of your work... and i must say You are intellectually gifted.You just have a unique way with words. I like you theory bout the bird people...I found that very interesting.....
    I encourage you to Continue, you have a Powerful Mind.
